Brief Profile

RITA OWASE The Branch Manager of Northern Zone Bollore with over 35 years of experience in logistics majoring in customs brokerage, Expertise in oil and gas, shipping, Freight Forwarding,Ware­ housing, Aids and relief, and supply chain management. Rita was first employed in the year 1986 in services of stevedoring by Northern Freighters Nigeria Ltd as a port officer, Dockworker/steve­dore.As a result of her sterling contribution to the supply chain of the company, she joined DHL as a sales executive and then moved to FedEx as a pioneer staff.A key player in the birth of FedEx Ni­geria setting up several Branches in Port-Harcourt,Warri, and other locations in a managerial role. In 1997, She joined Bollore Group as a commercial manager focusing in Oil & Gas. Rita has worked in different capacities both in Nigeria and the United Kingdom building a formidable team. Currently, Rita Owase is the Branch Manager of the Northern Zone Overseeing and developing businesses in the whole North with a key focus on warehousing, Aids, and Relief for the different agencies of the United Nations and international communities in FCT. She is a member of professional organizations such as IATA, FIATA, IMC, DFAI and TIMS just to men­tion but a few, and has attended several professional courses within and outside Nigeria.