Brief Profile

Dr. Ogundare Olusegun Samuel graduated from Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye Ogun state with (Hons) in Business Administration, in Industrial Relation and Personnel Management from University of Lagos, and PhD in Management Science (Human Resource Management option) from Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomoso, Oyo State. He also bagged a PhD in Business Administration from Saint Monica University, Beau, Cameroun. His area of competence is leadership, organizational development, training and manpower development, performance management and recruitment. He has consulted wide and across major sectors of the economy. He has written many scholarly articles and journals that have been published in both locally and internationally. He is a coach, mentor, motivator and mostly his leisure is used for research and lecturing. Dr Ogundare was part of the 2008 World Bank Group that set the template for the current mega city plan of Lagos state. He is married with three beautiful girls. He is an associate consultant to many companies and cottage industries proferring solutions to various managerial problems they may be confronting. Presently, he is the MD/ CEO of Intellectual Edge Services based in Lagos and 2022 he was appointed the pioneer Registrar of the Institute of Business Analyst & Process Management, Nigeria.

Brief Profile
Brief Profile
Brief Profile