Brief Profile

Dr. Kenneth U. Ebong is a Serial Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Author, Educator, Leadership Coach, and Consultant to Public and Private Sectors businesses. Passionate about addressing the whole range of human social-economic and spiritual development. His vision and mission include to inspire his generation to greatness through role modelling and other indices of social development. He is the MD/CEO of POTENT WORLD ICT & POTENT WORLD GLOBAL LTD. The company offer EPCIC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Installation & Commissioning) Solutions in the Oil & Gas Sector. The company had in the past 12 years has employed over 200 young people and elevated them to greater level through: the identification, development and guidance of business strategies creation. As the Managing Director/CEO his activities include identify, develop and direct the implementation of business strategies established by the organization’s shareholders. A member of several Professional Associations including Nigerian Political Science Association (NPSA). He is a Fellow Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC), and Certified Management Consultant (CMC). Award: A recipient of Nigerian National Legacy Price for Leadership in the category of Leadership in Business Transformation Award on the 20th January, 2021 by the Nigerian National Legacy Awards (NNLA). A holder of PhD Degree in Public Administration from the University of Uyo. A Consultant in the Public and Private Sectors. His Research interest is in the areas of Strategic Management, Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Strategic Planning & Development Studies and Community Development Strategies. He is the Author of a book “THE POWER OF INSPIRATION”. He has presented and published several Academic Papers and Articles in several local and international platforms and journals. He is happily married with Children